Truth in an Age of Transition

Connecting the dots that speak of a more beautiful world.

Meet Conor...

For the last 10 years, Conor has dedicated his life’s energy to seeking and researching Truth. Through trial and error, he honed his ability to parse Truth from falsehood, distilling key insights in the process. Now, Conor wishes to share what he has learned with others through his work of videos, essays, and collaboration, with the aim of dispelling illusion, revealing Truth, and helping others be their best.

Learn Truth in these key areas...

Fresh insights, empowering ways of living, and a return to the Father.

Cultivate Power

Learn to harness and channel sexual energy for good, Self-actualise your innate gifts, and become a light unto the world.

Cultivate Health

Discover man’s species-specific diet, regenerative detoxification, and the healing power of fruit, alkalinity, and herbs.

Cultivate Faith

“See what love the Father has bestowed on us, that we may be called children of God!” — Love, Truth, and Power as principles.

Cultivate Peace

Learn practical steps to return home to the Father, and overcome anger and separation, to find perfect peace within yourself.

Cultivate Power

Learn to harness and channel sexual energy for good, Self-actualise your innate gifts, and become a light unto the world.

Cultivate Health

Discover man’s species-specific diet, regenerative detoxification, and the healing power of fruit, alkalinity, and herbs.

Cultivate Faith

“See what love the Father has bestowed on us, that we may be called children of God!” — Love, Truth, and Power as principles.

Cultivate Peace

Learn practical steps to return home to the Father, and overcome anger and separation, to find perfect peace within yourself.

Cultivate Power

Learn to harness and channel sexual energy for good, Self-actualise your innate gifts, and become a light unto the world.

Cultivate Health

Discover man’s species-specific diet, regenerative detoxification, and the healing power of fruit, alkalinity, and herbs.

Cultivate Faith

“See what great love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we may be called children of God!” A study of Love, Truth, and Power.

Cultivate Peace

Learn practical steps to return to the Father, by overcoming anger and separation, to find perfect peace within yourself.

And much more besides…

Coming soon…

Coming soon…